Passage in life

The last one week has been a turning point for me in understanding myself even more than ever. 2006 was a traumatic year of me, as were 1991 and then 2002. But I guess whatever challenges that came, whatever I learnt and forgot in the first 2 years were then imprinted in me again in 2006.

Perhaps when one reaches mid-life, there's so much to think about. It seems that I have woken up and realised that there isn't much time left. So many things happening to the people we know. So many changes that are happening to the world around us.

Finally, after so long, I am moving towards a distinct direction in life, setting realistic goals that reflected what I want and not what others want of me.

This is not easy as I am a novice starting afoot in a new industry that not many are aware of. And I am going for it alone, as no one I know is familiar with what I intend to do. It won't be easy but I am not going to be deterred.

Perhaps I am trying to do too many things at the same time. Working full-time, writing freelance, embarking on my own website projects and this new "game plan" which perhaps I will mention one day in time.

I have to motivate myself. Because the future depends on me. My future depends on me, and no one else.

I guess compared to many women my age, their lives have taken on a different direction. I am akin to being reborn, to discovering this new part of me. Instead of hiding behind my own shadow, I should embark on this new journey, this passage in life.
