What is destiny? What prevails? A journey that traverses past sense.

Lately, I have not been writing here as my mind has been deluged with so many questions that have been making me more confused than ever.

Maybe it's me who's a dreamer and asks too many questions about life. During the last two weeks, in the course of this new job, I have got to know so many people. Each one, with a different personality and background. Each one, different in the essence of their character.

Apart from that, my social life seems to have bloomed. Met new friends, some nice, some not. Some whom I feel could be good friends, I have talked more. What are friends anyway? Would they still be friends or acquantainces, say, in 10 or 20 years time.

Life just seems so short. At 40, it's like I have traversed past half my lifetime, deluged with a bevy of experiences, perhaps more than some, which could even make good writing inspiration for a book, but then, it would be too painful to write one's autobiography, although I would so much love to.

Perhaps one day, when I am much older, and reside somewhere close to dancing waves and swaying greenery, the writing will begin. The epitome of peace, tranquility and happiness, somewhere where love and companionship abounds. Perhaps, then...instead of tearing up my poetry every time I finish writing them, I could perhaps write with liberty as I would so alive with inspiration.

Maybe I ask too much from life. Maybe I always believe that despite all the barriers that have taken place in the past, as destiny unfolds, I will one day, walk along the path that I have always visualised....but then, some tell me, you can't change destiny, but can't you really not change destiny?

I was just asking a very special friend of mine yesterday, someone's who nice, very calm and a gentle demeanour, "What do u want from life?", and he answered, "I never thought of it." For a moment, I kept quiet.

I then pondered. For a long time, I have always visualised portraits in my mind, saw beyond the horizon where I wanted to be. How I wanted to be. And the faceless people I wished to have with me, but that, till today, has remained, as always, faceless.

I want to do so many things in my life, present and future. I have written them all down. Some, I have slowly taken the step forward. Some, I idle by. Waiting for life's inspirations to embrace me, and guide me along its path.
