A myriad of thoughts on Sunday

It's like 8.18 am on a supposedly lazy Sunday morning, when most or all of my friends are still snuggled in dream world. For me, the incessant coughing all night long, flu and the loss of my voice have already made me very tired and bleary-eyed albeit wide awake.

In fact, there's so many things I can do today. Well, for a moment, I am thinking, why don't I just go walking around Chinatown with my camera and stuff, take a moment to breathe in the sights and smells of this little enclave. Since Chinese New Year is beckoning, it will certainly be a hive of festivities even at this time of the day. I remember those tiny old dim sum shops in the quaint colonial buildings. Once I even went there like 7 am in the morning (don't bother to ask me why I am there at that time, as I can't remember myself...) but inside, probably 90% of the patrons there were all wizened old men and some ladies, possibly in their 60s and beyond, relaxing over their yummy dim sum breakfast and pots of steaming, hot Chinese tea.

And later, after that, I should be popping by this obscure shopping centre down south of KL...the South City Plaza to renew my AAM membership and register my new car. I wonder why AAM's only branch that opens on a Sunday must be so far away fromt the rest of the civilisation, but then, that is an adventure by itself, as I have never been there before.

And then lunch...sigh. Though I was really looking forward to this for more than a week...yes, I have a lunch date with an Aussie friend, a talented writer, researcher...and more. Possibly his students at the university will be amazed at what they can glean from his mass of knowledge.

Me too, especially he's also writing his book and is researching on Malaysia's tourism and the sorts, and that's what I do for a living as a key personnel in Tourism Malaysia's official PR agency!

What's more, as an aspiring writer, I am still planning the contents of my book, and naturally, would have had lots to talk to him on this...from the perspective of a fellow writer. I am greatly behind my own schedule as I intend to do the e-publishing bit by end of this year and perhaps by next, some daredevil publisher in US may want to buy the hard copy rights. Oh dear, I should at least have the prologue done by now! No more procrastination, babe!

Back to lunch time....The problem is, I can't talk to this friend of mine without my voice and it's gonna be uncomfortable staring and eating and not talking at all. Perhaps it's time for the pen and notebook trick as a means of communication. Surely the patrons of the restaurant will think I am a mute trying to hit on a cute chap.

And after lunch, am thinking to go researching on the camera that I want to buy. And yes, it's no longer the Sony N2. I have since evolved to the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2, which is also 10 mega pixel, but most importantly, it has a aspect ratio of 16:9. The aspect ratio is easily selectable between 16:9 wide, 3:2 and conventional 4:3 with a switch located on top of the lens barrel to shoot in the framing aspect that best suits the subjects’ composition or image’s purpose of use.

And of course, what I am really interested in is, the much-coveted 28 mm Leica lens. Would have loved to get a Leica digital camera, but then, for the same specifications, it's so overpriced and I am just an amateur photographer.

Oh well, life goes on. And tonight, I am supposed to meet this adorable, younger friend of mine who really makes me laugh. I haven't been doing much of that lately...

Fortunately, these few weeks, we were going out pretty often and that has helped destressed me as I am in creative chaos even by looking at my self-made Work-In-Progress sheet highlighting the list of tasks I am entrusted with in the office (multi-tasking and doing too many projects at the same time), my list of freelance writing work, requests for marketing ideas and business strategies to reposition the business of another friend (yes, I am doing free consulting), as well as my own book project. So much to do, so little time!

Anyway, I am glad that dinner time will be fun, relaxed and sometimes hilarious... :)

Ah...it's time to shower and walk around the nooks and crannies of good ol' Chinatown aka Petaling Street.
