Rhythm and steps...

Almost 12 midnight and am home watching MTV and surfing the net at the same time. Am wondering...it's been so long since I have danced, watching Nelly Furtado strut her stuff on her new catchy album, Promiscuous.

Somehow, somewhat, rhythm has always been a part of me, from the time I was 14 and writing plays with a musical stance, back in secondary school and perhaps, when I was 16 and attended my classmate, Eleanor's birthday party, and hey presto, I won the dance competition despite never having danced before other than being the only Chinese girl in a Malay joget group. Kinda funny, come to think of it.

But when I came to KL, I was introduced to the world of tea dances and then discos, but to cut a long story short, up to the last few years, I realised that I had a natural inclination to dance, albeit my very own style, and I loved to dance alone. Even if someone suddenly came in front of me, I would just turn away in order to be alone.

Not that I am some kinda freak, but well, it is just being me, and being private in a world of my own, even if I am surrounded by people. To delve in music, to be part of music, to revel in the groove, is simply dance to me.
