A prayer to God

Dear God,

I feel so weary. I wish I am like the rest, a little less extreme in my definition of life. God, for the mistakes that I seem to make in life, for the questions that I ask, just because I speak my mind, and a mind that's full of curiousity, and the way that I define things, and because I seek so many answers to life.

If only I think less in life, and be like most normal people who saunter through their lives in contentment. God, do give me peace of mind, please wipe the tears away.

There are so many things that are prevailing in life that give me fear and uncertainties. At times I just do not know what to do, and can only stare helplessly into the distance. I fear that if I tread, I will make a mistake. I worry if I speak, I would say the wrong things that cause misunderstandings.

What shall I do, oh Lord, to do the right things, and at the right time?

I ask from you, God, for guidance in life, for a voice that soothes and creates happiness, for peace of mind, for love that's pure and future of bliss.
