Enroute to Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh

26 Feb 2008
It is now like 11pm and I am sitting in this excruciatingly hot Brunei airport, seemingly deserted save for a few souls. Flight to Ho Chi Minh via Royal Brunei Airlines has retimed, and although my ticket says Gate 8, a passing airport controller or whatever they call these people was heard telling a foreign tourist enroute to the same destination that "...it is definitely Gate 1."

So much for an impression in the world's richest country. Got myself a copy of this utterly savvy Singapore-based Lexean magazine, of which the articles delve on the intricacies that defy the MIND and SOUL; as some sections are called.

What awaits me in Ho Chi Minh? Husband has already traversed 1 day ahead, following his Amway sojourns in Seremban, then Singapore and direct to Vietnam together with his 7 other Amway friends.

Apparently this whole day he has been helping his friends meet Saigonese prospects for the business, and sigh, hopes that I am as passionate about the business as he is. Well, I have my own dreams and know where I am heading to.

Yet another challenge is that due to 2 people making their mind at their last minute to go to Vietnam together with them, it seems that we have to give up our room and share with the other single occupants.

Yes, indeed I won't be able to share the warmth of husband, and instead my room-mate will be this Singaporean lady that I don't really like so much.

However, tolerance is a virtue and I guess I must make do with what I have, although I am not a very patient person in this sense.

11.30 pm - it is finally time to board...